Reunion 2022 and AYF Anniversary Celebration

Alumni Club Updates & Scholarships 2021
AYF Relaunch
Alumni Club Updates & Scholarships 2021
AYF Relaunch

Reunion 2022 and AYF Anniversary Celebration

Reunion 2022 and AYF Anniversary Celebration


As of May 2022, please see the update on the Reunion 2022 Page.


Yes, we’re ready to go live this summer!

AYF and JYF Alumni are cordially invited to join us in Freiburg for the “AYF @ 60+2” Anniversary Celebration!

The Academic Year in Freiburg and AYF Alumni & Friends e.V. are hoping to host a big reunion to mark the occasion. After having to postpone it twice because of the pandemic, we are very optimistic that three’s  a charm and we can finally celebrate with all of you!

However, we realize that the current situation in Europe and Putin’s war of agression against Ukraine may cast a pall over our planned festivities and, possibly, dampen your enthusiasm of joining us in Freiburg this summer. Therefore, AYF staff urgently need a better read of everyone’s interest in attending this year versus holding off for another year with the big party and making it “AYF @ 60+3”.

Assuming we get real buzz in our JYF / AYF alumni community and see significant interest for a big celebration this year, current plans are to offer five days of events from July 7 to 11, 2022. Beginning with an opening celebration and congenial welcome reception, there’d be a chance to re-experience the charms of Freiburg in the company of former and current students, teachers, and program leaders.

We have tentatively scheduled five days of events, including:

  • Opening celebration and reception for up to 340 guests
  • Guided tours on various topics for up to 280 participants
  • AYF Program Center Open House
  • Evening at a Biergarten
  • Performance by the AYF band, The Black Forest Badgers
  • Black Forest hike around Schluchsee
  • Farewell reception hosted by the City of Freiburg

If interest should be less pronounced this year, we would still be more than happy to host a smaller reunion for any alumni group ready to join us in July 2022. We would need to scale back the program a tad. The opening reception and the schedule of guided tours would need to be conducted in a somewhat less expansive manner; but most everything else could take place as planned with adjusted group sizes and would be lots of fun.

And this is where we need your help! To gauge alumni interest, please sign up for the special Reunion 2022 mailing list through the AYF website no later than the end of April.

If you joined the 2020 Reunion mailing list, please sign up again for the 2022 list to give us a clearer sense of how many alumni would likely join a party this summer versus next summer.

Inquiries about the 2022 Reunion may also be directed to

Thank you!

One way or another, be it in a smaller circle or a large boisterous JYF / AYF crowd, we look forward to seeing you in Freiburg soon!