20th Reunion in Freiburg
Podcast Fernweh and Home Launched
20th Reunion in Freiburg
Podcast Fernweh and Home Launched

AYF Alumni Lunch in Berlin

AYF students will visit Berlin from January 17 to 21, 2019, to explore the history and culture of the German capital. Program alumni are cordially invited to join us for a theater performance and/or an alumni lunch with current students.

The PLAY: “Gorki – Alternative für Deutschland?” by Oliver Frljic at the Gorki Theater, Am Festungsgraben 2, on FRIDAY, Jan. 18, 18:30-21:00. A limited number of group tickets is available for 8 EUR each.

The ALUMNI LUNCH will be on SATURDAY, Jan. 19, ca. 12:30-14:30 at Kuchen Kaiser, Oranienplatz 11-13. It would be wonderful if some alumni could join us!

Please reserve a ticket for the play and/or RSVP for the lunch by sending an email to info@ayf.uni-freiburg.de