AYF 2018-19 ~ Who are our Participants?
Inauguration of the Francis G. and Edda Gentry Scholarship Fund
AYF 2018-19 ~ Who are our Participants?
Inauguration of the Francis G. and Edda Gentry Scholarship Fund

Alumni Club Scholarship Announcement

The AYF alumni club is excited to be able to award scholarships to students in the AYF program. Working with sponsor institutions, we will gather and evaluate student applications to help ease the financial side of the Freiburg experience. To this end, the German and the American chapters of the club, AYF Alumni & Friends e.V. (AAAF) and the AYF Alumni Association Inc. (AYFAA), are working together very closely.

Scholarships are offered starting 2019-20 under different names but follow a joint application process. Students only need to apply once and will be considered for all alumni club scholarships.

These competitive scholarships will be awarded to 1-4 students on the Academic Year in Freiburg (AYF) study abroad program. In order to be considered for scholarships offered by the AYF alumni club chapters, an applicant must have completed their program application by the priority deadline in December of the year prior to studying abroad. If awarded a scholarship, the student must be a participant in the Academic Year in Freiburg Program (AYF) study abroad program for the academic year, and be a full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate student at one of the AYF partner schools.

If you know of any students who are considering an application to the AYF program and would like to be considered for a scholarship, please refer them to their international program office’s website for further details.